How dare you
The purveyors of hate
To call out to the Creator
To condemn this nation
Hatred oozes from your every pore
You have soiled the Standard
That has been a part of our history since 1776
And now you condemn another symbol of greatness
The Eagle
Didn’t you read The Silent Spring
You enacted
A thirty year death sentence upon that majestic bird
is there no end
To your peals of divisiveness
You Have created hatred
You know nothing of the people
For they are exceptional
Name a nation that has fed the world
That have given freely of their blood and treasure
Recorded history shows that is just US
Have you ever looked into another's eyes
Not to tout or damn the differences
But to see the content of their heart and soul
Truly the least are his people
Only time knows what is coming
Forever we have heard
Quietly set an example
Your children and neighbors will see and understand
And then perhaps you shall hear
Touch my hand
Follow me