Like a tall slender reed
I am rooted alongside a path
One that meanders lazily
Through a bouquet
Of tulips, daffodils and blue bonnets
Who like lovers
Are entwined
As they move in harmony with the breeze
Many walk the path
They span all ages
The young, the old and those in-between
I wonder how many are committed
Or will be
Will they hold hands?
And feel the electricity of another's touch
When they look into one another's eyes
Will nothing be hidden?
And as they hug
Will their hearts cover one another?
Will the beat that they feel
Be of neither but just one
When they kiss
Does it light a fire that never can be quenched?
As they walk the path hand in hand
Will they be circled by a ring of fire?
If it is so
Then they have committed to one another
For one’s burdens are also the others
I know, I have been there
Is there enough time for it to happen again