It is amazing
How at an early age
We learn by practice
To tell little lies
When found out
Caring parents will teach a child
Accountability for their their words and deeds
Thus setting a child’s path for life
As the years go by
For some
Lying and miss deeds become habitual
Their denials and excuses are meaningless
They accept no responsibility for what they have done
Their actions are both disgusting and reprehensible
I slide back in my chair
And read about the sale of flesh and bone
I put down my paper
I see newborns
Full of life and vibrant for all to see
I look off to the side
I see endless lines of dismembered babies
Being haggled over
No one cares
It is just flesh and bone
Little One
What is your name
Has no one pleaded for you
And then I remember
“Suffer not the little ones”
Truly for this carnage
Many will stand before the Bar