Did you hear my voice?
Did you listen, did you understand?
Mortal before you came out onto the firmament
I taught you
These were the truths then, now and forever
They are clear, concise and forever unchanging
Truth is pure and is luminous for all to see
Take heed of what I say; learn it well
For what you hear is the same for all to hear
You are your brother’s keeper and upon this you shall be judged
The contents of your heart are your record and it is for all shall to see
That when you reach out to touch another you are keeping my word
When you taste the salt of ones tears
You shall know the bitterness of despair, the pain of loss, the hurt of a word or an act
Then too when you drink the sweetness of a spring rain
You will know the exhilaration of triumph, the love of another,
The depth of a child’s smile
When the perfume of the undefiled world surrounds you, you shall know peace
Last but not least you will know that which is real and that what is true
If you have kept our covenant
Your dust shall become the seed to populate the stars
For they too shall also know the truth
It shall be imprinted upon them