I am an American
But of what tribe are you?
I am of no tribe
But of many
Who are you?
I am the scribe for the keeper of the gate
A voice from the void declares perhaps this mortal is different
Scribe he is from the land that once was a promise
Where men were to govern themselves
They would respect and revere the law
Where the least could find sanctuary in the many rooms of my house
But as a people they lost their way
Truth mattered not
Yes they gave their treasure, but not of themselves
He indeed is different
His hair is black and course
His eyes are blue
His skin has all the colors of man
His tunic bears the symbols of the prophets, sages, mystics and all that kept your word
American, what is your name?
I am called by many names
Igor, Jose, Tsao, Roosevelt and Smith
But those are just a few
Then from the four corners upon a torrent of wind
A chorus of voices
Yes we will continue to give our treasure
To feed, to clothe
Those who are sick, wretched, naked and hungry
But we shall also give the blood of our sons and daughters
As we go to the vineyards where the grapes of wrath are stored
No longer will it be someone else’s job or not in my interest
For all shall know the simplicity and beauty of the six senses
The truths of being able to
To touch, to taste, to see, to hear, to speak, to understand
All plain and unvarnished and all shall understand
Then, these too shall march along side the others
To at long last bring peace to a troubled world
From the frothy clouds overhead, a light appeared
And covered the land.