From the clouds above

A beam of light pierces the cover

To shine upon the faces

Of the throng gathered below

This is the family of man

From all corners of the earth

With eyes transfixed upon the light

A hand raised high

And their index finger

Pointed to where

They know the mansion with rooms for all

Awaits them

Come tell it

Can you hear it

The clapping

The foot stamping

Can  you see the swaying

The  voices

Millions of voices

Raised in adoration

Come tell it

You have kept my word, come

Scribes have recorded the names

Of those

Who have reached out to others

They have become their brothers and sisters keeper

My Laws are ingrained in  their persona

Those that have refused

Shall burn forever

When the door slams shut

It shall be forever

He is here


Raise your voice

Come tell it