If humankind came to be
By either Divine purpose
or intervention of a superior intelligence
We can be sure that the Alpha and the Omega
Is responsible for our being on this planet
But it is not that simple
Many feel that they have lived before
If so
Why have they been reborn
I am sure that they knew his Laws
Did they repeat transgressions
Again and again
And as a consequence
They continue to serve time
For they have yet to learn
That civility, manners, integrity
concern for others
Were extensions of the laws
We were given
Today many would say
It’s old school
New school advocates
Do as you please
Don’t be concerned about how your actions affect others
Just look around
wanton killing of anyone
Unbridled theft
Lies without end
Wannabes who play both ends against the middle
An electorate whose mandate
Is verbalised in one phrase
I want more
Without requisite effort
Or care for others
I often wonder if this planet is not purgatory or a jail cell
Where the spirits and their souls come
From the near and far reaches of the heavens
To be part of a new host
And be reborn again
To clear the slate
In order to be united with their fellows in the heavens
Those who do not change
Repeat the cycle
They change
Or perish
The signposts of life
Are very specific