Heir slick meister

You speak my language don’t you

You don’’t

I am surprised

I thought you carried a Rosetta Stone in your pocket

With your technology you knew

what everyone was saying and thinking

Could it be

that the record keepers just don/t tell you everything



 you have something in your eyes

I understand

Just blinkum

I am told that your favorite color is red

that it was emblazoned upon the sands

Of the middle east

Seems that it’s existence was denied

Just another fable conjured up by the other side

Tall tale or not where did the money come from

to move men and their war machines

Woe is me

as the story grows so does the schnoz

Wink, wink

The latest mendacity coming from the bowels

of the udder welt

Promises were made

Only to found untrue

Taxes shall be imposed

The middle class will bleed

Elders will be shunted aside

Left to die

The young will be caught up in a boondoggle

With no jobs and no money

Because  those that have

No jobs, no education, no motivation

Will be given the fruits of others labors

Open your eyes and look at Europe

In the short term you may have a loyal electorate

But in the long term

They shall wither on the vine

Their house of cards will collapse

No more Winkum und Blinkum